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The Youth Ministry of Pilgrim Valley Missionary Baptist Church supports the vision and mission of the church by exposing young people to the love of God in Jesus Christ, enabling them to become agents of spiritual and social transformation.Our goal is to offer them ministry opportunities to enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and academic growth.




  1. To teach and train the youth to provide church services music

  2. To lead unsaved youth to Christ through the youth Bible Study.

  3. To teach  youth to be better Christians, leaders, and citizens in our community.

  4. To plan social activities for the youth.




The mission of the Pilgrim Valley Youth Department is to help your child to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. In order to accomplish this goal there are four areas that we will continually emphasize:


  • Soul-winning (Psalm 119:9) – Conforming to the image of Christ should be the goal of every Christian.  The compassion and zeal Christ had for the lost is an example that will not only be preached, but also practiced by our youth ministry.


  • Missions Matt. (28;19) - Our primary focus is to make disciples.  We will provide the necessary  resources for our youth to “Go” into the world and teach others. We believe that youth missions is a critical component of our goal to develop our youth into reflections of Christ who will transform their homes, their schools, their churches, their workplaces, and their worlds for Christ.  


  • Prayer & Worship (III John 4) – are a vital part of our plan to help each youth develop his/her own personal relationship with Jesus, by meeting on a regular basis to pray, worship, talk to each other, sharing and encouraging one another.


  • Servant-hood (I John 3:18) – If a teen has the right view of themselves as a servant, then they are going to start reaching and affecting other people’s lives.  We will give our young people many opportunities to serve in the church as well as the community.

Pilgrim Valley Missionary Baptist Church

1821 Wolfe St. Little Rock, Ar 72202   

(501) 372-5077

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